
Considering the numerous benefits that come with using squat wedges (increased range of motion and quad activation, just to name a couple), its no surprise that so many companies offer them! I personally own wedges from Rogue Fitness and Buffalo Bully Fabrication. While these squat wedges accomplish the same task, there are several distinct differences between the two. In this squat wedge review, I’ll HOPEFULLY help you determine which pair is worth “wedging” under your feet. (See what I did there?)
A squat wedge is a squat wedge is a squat wedge
If you’re not familiar with squat wedges, they vary in terms of design, size, composition, etc. For instance, you can choose larger, single wedged platforms designed to accommodate both feet simultaneously, or a pair of smaller wedges made to fit each foot individually (my personal favorite). They can be constructed out of everything from plastic to rubber, metal, wood, foam, or even cork! With the seemingly unlimited amount of options available, it can be absolutely overwhelming searching for the best squat wedges.
My wedge style of choice

Among a sea of wedges, I personally prefer using a pair of individual wedges (one for each foot). With this style, I am able to better personalize the experience by positioning my feet EXACTLY where/how I want. Not only can I change my stance width by moving them closer/further apart, having a separate wedge for each foot also allows me to angle them inward/outward as well. Additionally, I find this particular style easier to store when not in use because of the more compact size in comparison to a larger/dual foot single wedge.
Who is Buffalo Bully Fabrication?

As previously mentioned, squat wedges have become quite popular in recent years, making them available from a variety of retailers. For instance, they can be purchased from one of MANY sellers on Amazon, as well as industry-leading fitness giants such as Rogue. With that being said, who the heck is Buffalo Bully Fabrication, and why should you consider purchasing wedges from them?

Buffalo Bully Fabrication is a small American owned and operated fabrication shop located just outside of Buffalo, New York. Specializing in strength equipment, Buffalo Bully caters to both the home and commercial gym market. While the owner, Marc Wilson, initially started the company focusing primarily on custom jobs, he has since expanded the business to offer his own line of products, the Bully Squat Wedges being just one of them.

Having briefly explained some of the differences between wedges and which style I prefer, let’s dive into these squat wedges by Buffalo Bully Fabrication.
Bully Squat Wedge Specs.
What makes the Bully Squat Wedge so appealing is its simple, yet effective design. Every wedge is CNC cut and formed from a single piece of 7-gauge (3/16 inch thick) steel and features tasteful cut out branding – Buffalo Bully’s signature bulldog head logo can be found on the front corner of each wedge, while the words “Bully Fab” appear at the rear of each wedge. (Side note: the wife absolutely LOVES the “cute little bulldog head” logo.) Lastly, both wedges are finished in a durable black textured powder coat, preventing any foot slippage or potential corrosion.

Buffalo Bully Fabrication sells the wedges in pairs ( $75 plus taxes/shipping at the time of this review) and offers a choice between two different angled inclines (10° and 15°) at no additional cost. I personally own and use both angles in my gym (really depends on how EXTREME I’m feeling at the time).

For the 10° version, the wedges measure 11′′ x 7′′ x 2′′, whereas the 15° version measures 11′′ x 7′′ x 3′′ (for reference, I wear a size 12 shoe in my pictures). As far as the build quality, fit and finish, I really can’t complaint. All of the edges are nice and clean, the powder coat is plenty grippy and evenly applied, and Buffalo Bully’s use of 7-guage steel ensures little to no flex under the heaviest of loads. One thing to keep in mind is the surface on which you will set the wedges. I SOLELY use mine on rubber stall mats, therefore I don’t experience any sort of sliding or shifting while performing my movements.
Now that I’ve covered the Buffalo Bully Wedges, let’s find out how they compare to the Rogue Fitness Squat Wedges and see who makes the best squat wedges!
A brief Rogue Fitness Squat Wedge Review

Rogue is fairly new to the squat wedge scene, with theirs releasing only a few months prior to the time of me writing this article. In line with the most of Rogue’s equipment, these squat wedges are manufactured in the USA and are insanely overbuilt. They are available in three sizes, six different angled inclines, and vary in construction (7-gauge or 11-gauge steel) depending on which version you purchase. I currently only have a pair of their 15° single foot wedges, therefore I can technically only speak about them from personal experience.

Rogue Squat Wedge Sizing
- 8.5” width (for Single Foot Movements) – Sold as a pair and constructed of 7-gauge steel
- 20” width (Accommodates two feet simultaneously) – Sold as a single and constructed of 7-gauge steel
- 30” width (Accommodates two feet simultaneously) – Sold as a single and constructed of 7-gauge steel
While all sizes feature textured black powder coating, only the 30″ width has a diamond-tread top surface, where as the other two width options come with 60 grit grip tape that is to be applied to the top surface. I personally don’t like the idea of adding grip tape due to the constant temperature fluctuations in my garage might eventually lead to adhesion issues in the future.

Standout features

Rogues wedges feature laser cutout degree indicators for quick identification of different angles as well as rack storage holes. One thing to take note of is the sheer size of these wedges! Because of their MONSTROUSLY large size, I’m able to fit my entire foot on them and STILL have room to spare! Another feature worth mentioning is that Rogue Fitness has included handle cut-outs on the top for easy transportation. While the handle is certainly not necessary, it’s neat design element that I think most users will find incredibly useful (especially since these Rogue Squat Wedges are quite heavy due to their substantial build quality)

Final thoughts about the Rogue Squat Wedges

Wrapping up this brief Rogue Squat Wedge Review, while Rogues take on them is complete overkill, I absolutely LOVE the robust design and can’t help but to feel like I have a couple of mini tanks under my feet while using them (weird, but true statement). Rogue’s Squat wedges vary in terms of price depending on which size and angled incline you choose (with the absolute cheapest option currently starting at $95 plus taxes/shipping). Obviously what’s “affordable/expensive” is completely subjective, therefore I’ll leave it at that.
Check them out here – Rogue Squat Wedges »
Final thoughts
Overall, I’m impressed with both sets of wedges! (shocking huh?) I believe the simplistic design and affordable pricing of the Bully Squat Wedges will appeal to a wide audience. Rogue EASILY offers the largest selection of wedges out of the other two listed here, but their higher price tag might turn people away. It honestly comes down to the buyer’s preference and what they think will be the best squat wedges for their needs at whatever price they can afford.
I can comfortably say my experience with both brands of wedges has been positive, which makes any one of them an easy recommendation to anyone looking for pair of quality pair of American made squat wedges. That’s all for now; I hope you found this article helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to read it.